Sunday, November 20, 2016

HyperNormalisation Review

After seeing the documentary, HyperNormalisation, I have a more clear understanding of the political world and how much of what has been portrayed has been either hidden under the rug or kept secret in order to keep a "normalized" society. The documentary was a thorough run-down of the political events from the mid 1900's leading up to Trump's political campaign. It provided much needed information about how banks began seizing power over the politicians, and how it effected the U.S. socio-economic system. Prior to 9/11, there was much foresite through movies and tv shows that portrayed alien invasions, which in reality, was the foreshadowing of terrorist attacks.

I found it interesting that this documentary was able to touch on the way social media has played into Donald Trump's campaign. I totally agree that various media outlets were biased and viewed by individuals who were equal-minded either liberalists or democrats, and that most of this information was never seen by the other side. I think this is a pattern for those using certain social media platforms. During the campaign, I was seeing articles representing Hillary Clinton as the favored candidate as well as articles reporting negative outlooks on Donald Trump. I rarely saw a positive article on Trump, and this was because of the social media that was reaching me due to my preferances. It would have never occurred to me that there was a different outlook in the news that the side voting for Trump was viewing until after the election. I was so upset and surprised by the results, simply because of the news I was reading leading up to it being compeltely one-sided.

This movie provides awareness on not only how "cyberspace" has evolved and been used for powerful movements, but the events that has sparked controversy on the internet and led many to find comfort in the cyberspace world. I think the internet is a crazy and wonderful place at times, but has an over-abundance of information that can be easily hacked, making it also very dangerous. There are many theories that humans may no longer need companionship as the computers become largely more popular. It is strange to think of that happening now, but it shocks me that this theory is even in place. It goes to show how computers and the internet have dominated our world.

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